Katharine Trauger

Katharine Trauger

Katharine Trauger is a retired educator and a women’s counselor.
She has spent 25 years managing a home and school for children who would otherwise have been homeless, and has worked 15 years as contributor and/or columnist for several small professional print magazines, with over 60 published articles. She has blogged seven years about the rising popularity of “being at home” from a sun room on a wooded hilltop in the Deep South at: katharinetrauger.wordpress.com (Home’s Cool!) and http://The ConqueringMom.com and tweets at Katharine Trauger (@KathaTrau). She has presented workshops annually for the Arkansas Education Alliance and for an annual camp event in the Ouachitas. Her online portfolio lives at: https://katharinetrauger.contently.com/ .


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