Do You Belong in WordPress 101?

WordPress 101 is a feature of WordCamp Fayetteville. It’s one of the most popular tracks, and covers all the basics. It’s a great place to start if you are not familiar with WordPress, and especially if you plan to use (free hosting) instead of a self-hosted website.

But do you really belong in WordPress 101? Here are some questions to help you decide:

  • Do you have computer skills? If you know HTML and CSS or you’re expert with some other content management systems, you may not really be a beginner. On the other hand, if you know Facebook and MS Office really well, you could still be a WordPress beginner.
  • How long have you been using WordPress? If you’ve been in the beginner track for a few years, you should probably branch out to other sessions. Most sessions don’t assume a lot of tech knowledge. Those that do, say so in their descriptions.
  • Have you missed some things? If you’ve been using WordPress for quite a while, you might have reached the Sojourner phase — the point where you’re good at a few things, but there are a lot of things you haven’t tried yet. People can get stuck at this point, and a beginner level session can help move you on to the next stage.
  • Does someone else do tech stuff for you? If you’re the website owner, not the hands-on user, you may find that more advanced concepts are more useful. You can end up with useful things to ask your web team to do, rather than things they’re already doing for you.

Remember, you can go from one track to another. In fact, if you find yourself in a session that’s over your head or just not relevant to your needs, you can go from one session to another. Feel free to start in the 101 room and venture out when you feel ready.


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